Pratice for a fit life

A trusted name in Bolo for over 15 years

Can Fysiotechnique help you?

You've been dealing with back pain for a long time. Sometimes it gets a bit better, but it never truly goes away. You've stopped exercising, fearing it might make things worse. You’re starting to notice aches in other parts of your body, and it’s making you irritable. Some daily activities aren't as effortless as they used to be.

In my practice, I often see people like you. I listen to their stories and investigate why their symptoms are manifesting in their back; I don't automatically assume it's a back issue. The root cause of a complaint can be in a completely different place or have a reason you might not expect.

Fysiotechnique is a small-scale practice where you’ll quickly feel at home, where you can share your story, be vulnerable, and find the peace and space needed to heal and get fit. Come experience it for yourself.

Fysiotechnique not only helps you resolve the underlying cause of your complaint but also helps you become fit.

Make an appointment? Get Fit?

Muscle and Fascia Treatment

Many complaints are caused by tension and trigger points in the fascia and muscles. Fascia is a continuous network of connective tissue that exists throughout your body, like an internal wetsuit from head to toe, running from superficial to deep layers. Trigger points can cause pain to be felt in different areas from where the actual problem originates, significantly affecting muscle function. That’s why I examine your body as a whole to determine the source of the disruption. I treat trigger points and fascia with my hands and tools to restore their softness and resilience.

Move with awareness

To move comfortably, it's important to be aware of what you're doing. Pain, increased tension, or stress can disrupt this sense of awareness. I teach you how to move naturally, freely, and most importantly, without pain. When you use the right muscles at the right moment during a movement, compensation is no longer necessary. Your body conserves energy and feels lighter. To achieve this, I incorporate exercises from Mobilizing Awareness® and often combine them with fascia training.

Sustainable care

At Fysiotechnique, I don't just help you become pain-free, I help you take a step forward. If there are factors in your life that trigger or cause your symptoms to return, we'll explore how you can change them or approach them differently. The next step could also involve guiding you back into exercise or finding ways to improve your current routine. If you struggle with relaxation, we can work together to find a method that helps you become better at it. In short, I aim to provide you with more tools on your journey toward a sustainably fit life.

What makes Fysiotechnique different

When people visit a physiotherapist, they expect to be relieved of their symptoms or learn to live with them as best as possible. However, symptoms are often treated without addressing the root cause, which can lead to recurring issues over time. A complaint often has a different origin than it may initially appear. That’s why I look at you as a whole person, not just at the location of your pain or injury.

Not feeling like yourself is unsettling, but feeling fully human again is wonderful! Every person is unique, and so is their body. I tailor my treatment to you as an individual and search for the root cause of your complaint to address it effectively. The goal in my practice is to help you reconnect with your body, making you feel whole from the inside out. Truly knowing and feeling your body allows it to move as it was meant to. This approach not only resolves issues but also prevents them from reoccurring

Fit In Training

Fysiotechnique is more than just a physiotherapy practice. Being free of pain doesn’t necessarily mean you’re fit. How do you achieve fitness, and more importantly, how do you maintain it? That’s a question I’m often asked. In response, I started Fit In Training (FIT) in 2014. As a physiotherapist and former athlete, I love to move and understand what it takes to get fit. It’s not about randomly working out with machines or going for a run, but rather about training specifically for what your body needs to become fit.

More about Fit in Training

This is what our customers say

Ik ben bij Judith het FIT programma gaan volgen om  weer klaar te zijn voor het sporten na een winterstop en om me in het alledaagse leven weer fitter te voelen. Inmiddels 51 en blijkbaar wat minder soepel. Met leuke en goede begeleiding voel ik me na 8 weken echt een stuk fitter. Na het tennissen loop ik met een goed gevoel en zonder pijntjes van de baan. Ik slaap een stuk beter, kom zonder spierpijn uit mijn bed of de stoel en voel me gewoon lekker. Een aanrader als je FIT wilt worden of blijven en dat onder deskundige en leuke begeleiding wilt bereiken.


Ik train nu al ruim 7 jaar wekelijks bij Judith en ik leer nog steeds nieuwe dingen! En als ik eens een beginnende blessure heb ziet ze dat meteen en word ik behandeld. Zo fijn!


Voor lichamelijk ongemak ben je aan het goede adres voor behandeling bij Judith. Alle leeftijden hebben er baat bij. Niet alleen zorgt zij voor soepele spieren maar heeft ze ook een luisterend oor. Ontspannen verlaat ik de praktijk.


Judith heeft me ontzettend goed geholpen (met mijn whiplash-klachten). Ze neemt echt de tijd en kijkt heel goed naar de persoon die ze voor zich heeft, voordat ze aan de slag gaat. Haar aanpak is rustig, no-nonsens en heel helder. Ze geeft duidelijke uitleg en goede oefeningen. Ik kan het iedereen aanraden!


Judith werkt nauwkeurig en doelgericht aan de oorzaak van je pijn.


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