Payment and reimbursement
At Fysiotechnique, payment and reimbursement are entirely on a refund basis. This is different from what you might be used to, so we have outlined this process for you.
At the beginning of each month, you will receive an overview invoice by email for all treatments from the previous month. (If you are unable to receive this by email, you will of course receive it in paper form).
You transfer the invoice amount directly to Fysiotechnique, with a payment term of 14 days after the invoice date.
You can then submit the invoice to your health insurance company, provided you have supplementary insurance. The insurance company will find the necessary information for reimbursement on the invoice.
The reimbursement depends on your supplementary insurance and whether it is a combination policy or a budget policy. Learn more about the different types of policies here
To be sure, please check with your health insurer about the reimbursement amount for non-contracted physiotherapy. Fysiotechnique is not responsible for your reimbursement, but we are happy to assist you!
Fysiotechnique provides you with the care and attention you are accustomed to. To continue and ensure this level of service, Fysiotechnique has chosen this approach. We are, of course, always open to any questions or further clarification.