Fit In Training

You feel tired and sluggish; you stand in front of the mirror and resolve to start working out. Tomorrow.

You've been exercising for a long time and feel like there isn't much change in your body. Your workout has become routine, and, honestly, you’re no longer motivated.

You’ve been training hard for that running race over the past few months, but just before the big moment, you get injured and have to withdraw. For the umpteenth time.

Does this sound familiar? Do you wish it would work out this time?

You feel that your training is effective, and you understand why you're doing it. You notice your body becoming stronger and fitter, and you’re getting more out of each day in your everyday life. You’re excited to set new goals and go after them. You feel alive again! It’s possible. Really.

The key to success is targeted training. Focusing on what your body specifically needs so it can move naturally again. This often involves working on the areas that challenge you the most. After all, you're only as strong as your weakest link. By targeting your training, that weak link becomes a healthy, strong part of the whole, making movement enjoyable and fun again.

Would you like to know what your body specifically needs to get the most out of your training—and yourself?

Get in touch to get fit

Judith has been a competitive athlete for many years, specializing in sprint events. Her sports career has provided her with a wealth of knowledge and experience in many areas, which she now uses to help others. She channels this expertise through her work as a physical therapist and trainer. She still enjoys working out to keep her own body fit; during her training, she comes up with new exercises and tries them out.

Learn here how FIT works

FIT is not a gym but a place where you learn to train effectively. At FIT, you are taught to perform exercises and movements with technical precision, allowing you to train more efficiently and achieve better results from your workouts.

Pillars of the Training

Flexibility and Resilience

This is literally about how comfortable you feel in your own skin. To feel flexible and resilient, more is required than just stretching and training your muscles. I focus extensively on the fascia (connective tissue membranes) and use exercise techniques I've learned as a fascia therapist.


The ability to sustain the strength you exert and the coordination it requires for as long as possible. To train this, I incorporate tempo variations (intervals) into the workout, forcing your body to push harder to keep going and helping you to push your limits.


This involves guiding the body to make movements in a controlled and efficient manner. I utilize techniques that were invaluable to me during my time as an athlete, and I apply Mobilizing Awareness®. This approach ensures that the body can move freely, consciously, pain-free, and, most importantly, in a relaxed and authentic way.

Muscle Strength

Local muscle strength is crucial for a well-functioning joint. When the strength around each joint is at the right level, it helps maintain balance in the body. I rely less on strength machines and instead use a variety of loose equipment and, most importantly, bodyweight exercises.

Get fit Program

For the beginner athlete who struggles with:

  • Getting started: You don’t know where to begin, and you secretly find it a bit intimidating.
  • Fatigue and low energy: You fear that exercise will leave you completely exhausted.
  • A stiff, rigid, or weakened body: Movement doesn’t feel free or comfortable.
  • Weight loss: The extra pounds are turning into kilos, and you find it difficult to shed them.
  • Planning: Your week is already so busy, and you can’t seem to find the time to exercise.

You experience that exercising gives you energy instead of draining it; you feel free in your body and notice that it is becoming more toned. You happily make time for working out. You feel safe, and your self-confidence is growing. Your way of life has changed, and you are motivated to maintain it.

  • A 60-minute intake session 
  • A 10-week training program tailored to your body
  • 1-on-1 training sessions, 3 times a week for 4 weeks
  • 1-on-1 training sessions, 2 times a week for 6 weeks
  • Evaluation meetings, after 1 month and at the end
  • Bonus: support outside our sessions, with additional information and tips on lifestyle, relaxation, and nutrition.

Total: 1-hour intake and 24 half-hour training sessions. €1215.

Stay FIT program

Designed for the advanced athlete who is facing challenges with:

  • Making progress: You feel like nothing has changed in your body for a long time, and your performance is stagnating.
  • Aches or injuries: These issues hinder your training, persist, or keep recurring.
  • Motivation: Your physical outlet has turned into a daunting task.
  • Achieving goals: You're unsure of what and how to train to achieve your desired results.

You become more in tune with your body, enabling you to listen to it better. You learn what your body specifically needs, and by training accordingly, your body regains its natural balance and can move more efficiently. This way, we gradually build towards your final goal, which you will now achieve.

  • A 60-minute intake session
  • An 8-week training program tailored to your body
  • 1-on-1 training sessions twice a week for 4 weeks
  • 1-on-1 training sessions once a week for the following 4 weeks
  • A motivation session after 1 month and an evaluation at the end
  • Bonus: Support via email or WhatsApp

Total: 1-hour intake and 12 half-hour training sessions. €695.

    FIT Running program

    For runners who struggle with:

    • Building up responsibly: You're eager to participate in that upcoming race, but you push yourself too hard and start to experience aches and pains.
    • Running technique: You doubt your technique and think it could be improved, but you're unsure how to do it.
    • Supplementary training: You have no idea that there’s more to training than just running.
    • Choosing the right gear: There's a wide variety of running shoes available, but which ones are the best fit for you?

    You're in a good flow that gradually leads you to your dream distance; you understand what your body needs beyond just running, and you're working on developing an efficient running style.

    • A 60-minute intake session
    • A 60-minute running technique analysis
    • An 8-week personalized training program tailored to your body
    • Weekly one-on-one training sessions
    • An evaluation meeting at the end

    Bonus: A check of your running shoes and plenty of additional information and tips to help you get more out of running.

    Total: Intake 1 hour, running analysis 1 hour, and 8 training sessions of 30 minutes each. €550.

      Sustainably FIT

      • Your training is on the right track and has become an integral part of your life.
      • You want to keep it that way but sometimes need a little extra motivation.
      • You’re good at exercising independently.
      • You enjoy varying your workouts weekly; variety keeps you engaged.
      • You want to feel your body progress every week.

      The continuity and progression in your training are ensured. For you, exercise is a vital tool to stay sustainably fit.

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